Track Options

Track Descriptions

This track is designed to help you grow in love for God’s Word. Each day we’ll learn skills that will transform the way we study the Bible and apply them as we dig deep into Scripture. Through the book of Daniel, we’ll look at what it looks like to live faithfully in a secular world and see how God is at work in human history.



This track is designed for those who have been asked to lead a small group Bible study on campus. Learn how to prepare a Bible-centered study, finding the main truth of the Scripture passage and applying it to everyday life. Discover how to create a witnessing community that reaches out to your campus, forms deep community, and worships together. You will leave this track better prepared to lead on campus in the fall.


This is a week for your chapter leadership team to pray, build relationships, seek God’s purposes for your campus and plan for the coming year. You’ll meet with God, work as a team on the planning process, and catch a vision for how God can use your chapter on campus. Biblical teaching, vision casting, and training in biblical leadership combine to make a life-changing week.

Requirement: To participate in this track you need to talk with your campus staff worker
